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The Recipe of True Worship

I am the kind of person that likes to eat but does not cook, however, when I cook (which is not often) I do my best to follow the recipe entirely, especially the proportion of the ingredients. I read somewhere that recipes are for cooks what formulas are for chemists. Think about it, how disastrous could be the result of a chemist when he adds, changes, or omits a component? Now, think about doing your grandma’s favorite dish and add, change or omit one of the ingredients in her list. Would you get the same result? No, you will alter that recipe, and will no longer be your grandma’s one.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, while walking on this earth, told the Samaritan woman,

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”

John 4:24, KJV.

We learn from that conversation that Samaritans had their way to worship God, but Jesus told her that they did not know how to worship God the right way (v. 23). They might be right in their attitude and desire (spirit) but not in the knowledge and practice (truth). Later, on a different occasion, while Jesus was praying, He let us know what truth is, “thy [God’s] word is truth” (John 17:17). Nowadays many religious groups believe they worship God in spirit and truth, but they are doing like the Samaritans. Their way of worship might be sincere, but is not right, why? Because they are not following God’s “recipe”. So, what is the right way to worship God?

“It is generally conceded that the church of the first century engaged in several devotional acts in the Lord’s day assemblies. The communion supper was observed (Acts 20:7), prayers were uttered (1 Corinthians 14:15, 16), the church sang songs to the glory of God (Ephesians 5:19), and a contribution was taken (1 Corinthians 16:2). Too, teaching was done, which included reading the Scriptures (Colossians 4:16) and the proclamation of the Word (Acts 20:7).”[1]

Leaving out one of these acts of our worship to God is doing worship our way, not God’s way. Changing one of them with something we prefer makes it also our way and not God’s way. Would your grandma be pleased if you add or change something from her “famous” recipe? Well, God is not pleased when we do worship our way and not His way.

As the apostle Paul wrote to those in Philippi, “Now unto God and our Father be glory for ever and ever” (Philippians 4:20). Let us give God the honor and glory He deserves through our worship to Him. Let us always remember our worship is to God and not to us. Let us follow His recipe, and do not alter it.

Dear friend, if the place or group where you go to worship God is not doing it this way, then, it is not God’s way, and changes are required to fix it, just as our Lord told the Samaritan woman. Today is the right time to do what is right. Tomorrow might be too late.

May God bless you richly today and always. To Him be all glory!


[1] Wayne Jackson, “The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship—Part 2”,

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