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What MSOP Means To Me?

Being the last one to speak will make it hard not to say something that was already said by my brethren. There is not enough time or space to describe what MSOP (Memphis School of Preaching) means to my family and me, but I will try to make it simple. It has a lot to do with love, and I will cover just three of those reasons.

MSOP Means To Me – Loving The Service:

Our Savior Jesus Christ is the greatest example of a servant, He took the form of a servant (Philippians 2:7). Our instructors drive several miles to come to the school every day, they set a lot of their personal time to prepare what they will teach each day, and then drive back. We, as students, just need to walk for a couple of minutes from the apartments to the school.

I blush every time I hear brother Mosher quoting what I said once at the chapel, “I came to the school to learn how to be a preacher, and found out that what I must be is a servant”. It was during my final chapel when the points of my sermon were “Meditate, Study, Observe, and Practice”, and when I sat, brother Mosher whispered to my wife and me, “I heard MSOP there”.

Dear brethren, it is not only to get to know or memorize the Bible, but to put into practice all that knowledge.

MSOP Means To Me – Loving The Mission:

Brother Evans did an outstanding work yesterday when he spoke about “Purity in Missions”. Missionary work is more than just going to a “mission” field, our purpose is to give every soul the opportunity to hear the message of salvation and become a Christian. Being part of the World Missions Program helped us greatly in the work that we are doing in Panama. I have spent almost half of my life in Panama, but I am Costa Rican, and the culture shock is big even when we are neighboring countries. The Mission Program gives us the tools to research and prepare in every area that might become a potential challenge or threat to go “into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

Our instructors are mission-minded, they have the experience, and they love the mission and those involved in it. Please, keep missionaries in your prayers, and, if possible, support their work, not only with money but also with encouraging words. WE NEED YOU.

MSOP Means To Me – Loving The Family:

That is what we are, not just any family, but the family of God. We are all here, together, not only for the food, but for the fellowship, the friendship, the memories, and the love we have for each other. We traveled more than 3000 miles but as soon as we arrived, it was as if we never leave. The love, encouragement, and care we receive since our arrival is only understandable within Christians, whether we are new students or graduates who are visiting. This is our Philadelphia (Hebrews 13:1).

We are in the same boat, having the same goal, the same purpose, the same passion.

We do not preach MSOP, we preach Christ crucified, but we are thankful that MSOP has helped and equipped us in so many ways to preach the Word, to be instant in season and out of season, to endure afflictions, to do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill our ministry (2 Timothy 4:2-5).

Let us love the service, the mission, and the family that being part of MSOP means to each one of us.

May God bless all of us today and always.

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