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Christian Life

Articles that were written in regards to how to live a life pleasing to God.

Being Diligent To The Lord

Christians cannot be lazy people, Christians cannot just come to Sunday services and spend a couple of hours sitting in the pews and believe that that is just what they needed to do. Christians cannot consider that the Lord’s Supper is the only act of worship required each Sunday. Christians need to get busy in the work, to be diligent to do whatever they can to serve our Lord.

There Are Many Paths

Today, if we do not follow the path of salvation that is provided unto us through the Scriptures, then we will not be able to receive the reward that is waiting for us in heaven (James 1:12; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Revelation 2:10). Let us keep in our mind that we will reap according to what we sow (1 Corinthians 3:8; Galatians 6:7-8; Revelation 22:12).

Safe At Home

“Safe at Home” is more than a phrase we can use to refer when a Baseball player is able to score for his team. In order to be safe at home, we build our houses not only as a comfortable place, but we also add some items to keep us secure from those who want to take what is not theirs, and also from storms, floods, winds, heat, cold, and other situations that might be dangerous to us. To be safe at home is to know that in that place we will find people that love us, support us, encourage us, and be there for us.

The Beauty of Communication

Let us be thankful to our heavenly Father for the blessing of having His Word translated into every language that exists on this planet, and for the opportunity that we all have to listen to His message and learn what we must do in order to be saved.

A Day That We Will Always Remember

911, more than the emergency number that people needs to dial when is in need, get a deeper meaning in the lives of every human being in this world. Three digits changed completely after that horrendous and terrorist event. Now, every year, this day, bring many memories to every living soul in this world.

What Is A Missionary?

While people might give up on the missionary, while the missionary might give up on himself, God did not give up, He gave Himself for all of us, and the opportunity that we have today to be saved!

Preach the … What?

Paul never told Timothy to preach only on the pretty things of life. Neither he told him to do it only on what is wrong in the world. And certainly, he did not tell Timothy to talk about himself. Whosoever preaches, needs to avoid the error of start talking about himself. It is not about us, it is about God!

Be Content

Dear reader, Paul knew what he lost, but he also knew what he gained. He learned how to live in riches and how to live in necessity. He learned all of that because he understood that Christ is everything we need to live a satisfactory life.