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Articles that were written in regards to going and preaching the gospel throughout the world.

Jesus Loves the Little Children

From a young age, we teach them that, in the eyes of God, all colors are the same. What happens as they grow up? What do we do to change that perception? Dear friends and brethren who read this article, racism is not something we are born with, it is something we learn and instill. It is bad teaching. We are all valuable to God, and the entire humanity.

21st Century Glasses

Have you ever consider that, for those in the First Century, their time was the modern time? Indeed it was. It was their time, their culture, their language, their tools. They used everything they had available to proclaim the message of God.

Aggos, A Vessel Filled With Good Things

Aggos, is a Greek term meaning “vessel or container”. Recently, a group of brothers has dedicated many hours in giving us what they define as “a private, curated online platform for the global church of Christ”. In this short article we will see why, without a doubt, it is a vessel filled with good things.

Preacher, Do Not Belittle Your Brethren

One of the saddest moments in the short life as an evangelist of this writer happened a couple of months ago, when a fellow worker told me “things does not work here in the way you are trying, you are very new in this work, believe me, it does not work that way, you will get tired very soon”.

Catching Flies with Honey

“You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” simply means that we can win more people to our side by being gentle than by being hostile. Our mission is not only to win them to our side, but to God’s side. We are commanded to be soul winners (Matthew 28:18-20).

The Power of the Word of God

The Gospel is the good news, the message of salvation, which consists of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior. A message that a persecutor of Christians who after he was repented and converted was not ashamed to preach, because he himself recognized it is the power of God to save everyone who believes.